Dairy Free Vanilla Custard
Cooking Instructions We are creating a double boiler system. So get a large pot and boil some water in it, turn it down to simmer. Place a heat proof bowl into the pot and add coconut cream into the bowl. Warm the cream, don’t let boil. Add in vanilla and honey at this point. In […]

1 can of coconut cream 2 teaspoons of vanilla essence 2 tablespoons coconut nectar, use honey if you don't have this. 2 Eggs

Cooking Instructions
We are creating a double boiler system. So get a large pot and boil some water in it, turn it down to simmer. Place a heat proof bowl into the pot and add coconut cream into the bowl. Warm the cream, don’t let boil. Add in vanilla and honey at this point.
In another bowl whisk eggs. Then a table spoon at a time add the egg mix into the cream whisking the entire time. Keep adding the egg mixture a little at a time until all poured in. You are trying to make sure the eggs don’t scramble or curdle so whisking continuously is important.
Once all the eggs are added keep whisking for another 2-3minutes until mix has thickened up.
Place the bowl on the counter to cool.
Can eat this now, or place in fridge and let it cool down, it thickens up more as it cools.