Gluten Free Pesto Pizza
I am so grateful to live in such a spectacular place in the world. A place that lets us enjoy life and make the most of each and every day. After all life is all about enjoying it and to do that its about putting in the effort to getting that balance right. Its so important to do things that fill your glass up, that make your heart sing and that allow you to let go of the stressors of your day. For me this is my horse and for Ben this is paddle boarding. There is something about both of these activities that allow you to be fully present and in the zone. To simply be thinking about what you are doing there and then. It is when we allow ourselves to be fully present that we create space for productivity, that we improve our energy, our motivation and sense of fulfillment in our day.
Something else that does this for me is cooking. I love to get lost in the kitchen and I am all about getting my music off spotify at the moment. I pop on an acoustic chill out playlist, I turn up the music and I just get creative in the kitchen. So yesterday while Ben was out paddle boarding with a mate, I created a simple flatbread pizza for us to enjoy by the fire that night.
It was such a great easy dish to just pop on the table and everyone helped themselves. Naturally gluten free and made with whole real food. This recipe is for a vegan based pizza, but I had some left over lamb in the fridge and I popped this on top of one of the pizzas to provide some extra protein for the meal.

To Make The Flat Bread Base 1 cup tapioca flour 1/4 cup coconut flour 2 eggs 1/2 tsp unrefined sea salt 1/2 cup coconut cream 1/4 cup coconut oil 1 tsp finely chopped fresh rosemary 1-2 tsp finely chopped garlic olive oil and extra sea salt for garnish For The Pesto Vegetable Topping Ingredients 2 medium cloves garlic peeled 1/2 cup cashews 4 loosely packed cups kale 4 tablespoons lemon juice 4-6 basil leaves 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper 1/3 – 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil 1 bunch broccoli, sliced into bite size pieces 2 small zucchini thinly sliced Sesame seeds to garnish Fresh herbs. I used coriander and large leaf parsley to garnish.

Base Directions
Preheat oven to 200C/450F and if you have a pizza stone place it in oven to heat up.
In a pan, place coconut oil and heat to melt, add to it coconut cream and combine. Remove from heat.
In a bowl combine tapioca flour, coconut flour, and salt. Add to it coconut cream mix and combine.
Add the two eggs and mix again until full combined into a smooth paste
Remove hot stone from the oven if you have it or get out a baking tray, cover either with baking paper and pour mixture into center.
Spread out evenly until it is about 1 cm thick. Then sprinkle on salt.
Bake for 8-10 minutes.
Place garlic in a food processor, cashews, kale, baby greens, basil, lemon juice, oil and 1/4 teaspoon salt and pepper. Pulse to combine until greens are incorporated and its a smooth mixture, about 2-3 minutes.
Taste and adjust flavors if necessary. If it tastes to oily, add lemon and vice versa. Or if its to thick for spreading on pizza add equal quantities of each.
Place broccoli and zucchini on a baking sheet and toss with a little extra oil. Sprinkle with salt + pepper and roast until starting to colour and cooked about 20 minutes.
Spread a thick coat of pesto on your flat bread and top with roasted veggies.
Pop into a hot oven 200 C for 3-4 minutes until veges and pesto is hot and then serve right away.
Top with a drizzle of olive oil, chopped fresh herbs, sesame seeds and sprinkle of salt and pepper if you wish.
Note : If you have cooked chicken, beef or lamb leftover in the fridge slice this up and pop on the top of the pizza before reheating.