Raspberry and Cacao Nib Muffins

Raspberry and Cacao Nib Muffins. Man even the name sounds divine. These muffins are full of goodness from the berries up to the protein in the eggs. They will leave you feeling fulfilled and not weighed down. A treat that makes you feel great!


6 eggs 1 tablespoon vanilla extract I used Heilala Vanilla 2 tablespoons honey  1/4 cup coconut oil 1/2 cup coconut/almond flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2  cup fresh or frozen berries I used raspberries and blueberries 1/2 cup cacao nibs could use chopped dark chocolate if you want.

Cooking Instructions

Preheat your oven to 160 C / 320 F.

In a large ball combine  the eggs, vanilla and honey and mix

Add in the oil with the eggs and mix.

Add the coconut flour and baking powder and mix.

Fold in raspberrys and cacao.

Place the mixture into muffins tins, right up to the edge. They rise slightly.

Bake for 35 – 40 minutes or until cooked through.


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